Zion Lutheran Church1511 N Y Rd.
Hampton, Nebraska 68843
Phone 402-725-3320
Lenten/Easter Worship Schedule
Ash Wednesday March 5th @ 7:00 pm
Lent meal 5:30-6:30pm Lent Service March 12 @ 7:00 pm
Lent meal 5:30-6:30pm Lent Service March 19 @ 7:00 pm
Lent meal 5:30-6:30pm Lent Service March 26 @ 7:00 pm
Lent meal 5:30-6:30pm Lent Service April 2 @ 7:00 pm
Lent Service April 9 @ 7:00 pm
Palm Sunday April 13 @ 10:00 am
Maundy Thursday April 17 @ 7:00 pm
Good Friday April 18 @ 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday April 20 @ 8:00 am ** Easter Egg Hunt & Easter B-fast
Zion Lutheran Church -Hampton Youth Facebook Pages
Zion Lutheran Church has several children/youth pages on Facebook.
Check them out on the links below!
Zion Lutheran Facebook Page
Zion Hampton Sunday School
Zion VBS Facebook Page
Zion VBS Registration
Sunday School and Bible Classes-March 23 - PreK-8th grade continue the study of the Old Testament with “The Praying King-Hezakiah” from 2 Kings. The High School Students meet in the Conference Room and are exploring “Life Topics” and the Ohrts and Vinkenburgs lead an adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall which is a video-based study called “Love and Respect” focusing on strengthening marriages God’s way. Pastor Feddern’s Adult Bible Study meets in the sanctuary with “The Twelve Disciples” Bible study. As participants study how Jesus made disciples, they can expect to hear a new call in their lives to follow Christ with a whole heart and to be sent out into world to make disciples of all nations-including workplaces and neighborhoods. Consider attending a class and grow in your Enduring Faith.
LWML hosted the confirmation students and their parents last Tuesday, March 18. What a joy to celebrate these students on their journey of faith. They assembled their confirmation banners, were led in a devotional by DCE Ben and enjoy refreshments prepared by Jeannie Wilkinson and Sharon Klute! Those being confirmed this year are Cason Bamesberger, Bentley Hagan, Paisley Joseph, and Willabelle Panko.
Zion LWML-Lutheran Women in Mission
LWML-Lutheran Women in Mission met February 25, at 7:00 PM at the Zion Fellowship Hall. They were encouraged through the Bible Study “God Sees Our Story-Therefore Rejoice.” They also made plans for the parent/student confirmation banner evening to be held on March 18.
Celebrate the joy of serving the Lord with gladness in this congregation with the theme, “Ready to Serve”, based on Luke 1:38. “And Mary said, “behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING: Cason Bamesberger – 4th in the 8th grade division of the Hamilton County Spelling Bee.
Weston Ohrt & the Heartland Robotics Team – 1st place in Finals, 2nd place in Skills Driving, Match Play, and Best Design Award at the Holdrege Robotics Competition; Cason Bamesberger, Atleigh Klute and the Hampton Jr. High Quiz Bowl Team – 1st place in the Crossroads Conference tournament; Weston Ohrt and the Sutton Basketball team (18-7) – District C2-5 runnerups.
Isaiah Venteicher – Elementary School State Robotics Champion in the Vex IQ Robotics Rapid Relay Competition* (*qualified for the World Championships in Dallas, TX, on May 12-14); Shepleigh Ohrt – 4th place finish in Oral Interpretation of Drama at the Sutton Speech Tournament; Zach Miller & the Heartland Robotics Team – 1st place in Finals, 2nd place in Skills Driving, Match Play, and Best Design Award at the Holdrege Robotics Competition; Raegan Hansen – Edward Jones February Student of the Month.
Rylan Dietz – Grosshans Case IH February FFA Member of the Month.
Atleigh Klute – has been selected for the Meridian Crossroads Conference Jr. High Honor Band, Taryn Stettner and the Hampton Speech Team – Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) – 3rd place at the Hampton Speech Meet.
June 9-13, 2025 8:30-11:30 AM
Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory
Yee-Haw!! Hope to see you there!
If you would like to volunteer your time, talents, or food/materials, we are Rustling Up Recruits! DCE Ben, Melanie Klute and Kathy Gloystein
Lutherans for Life … Transfiguration of Our Lord – Our Savior’s miraculous radiance reveals three sanctity of life truths. The timing and manner of our deaths—like those of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah—are God’s business and decision (Luke 9:30). Then, every human life receives a glory from Jesus that we cannot always immediately envision. Just because it’s hidden doesn’t mean it’s missing. And this message isn’t meant for keeping to ourselves!
LWML National Convention in Omaha this June!

LWML National Convention in Omaha this June!
March – Registration is officially open for the 41st Biennial Convention – “Growing in God’s Grace” in Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraska Fun Fact: Billionaire Warren Buffet lives in Omaha in a home he purchased in the 70’s. Also, Omaha hosts the College World Series annually since 1950. Nebraska Fun Fact: Dorothy Lynch salad dressing has its origins in Nebraska, as does Ranch dressing! Also, the “Reuben” sandwich was created in Nebraska.