1869 - First Lutherans settled in Hamilton County
1872 - A number of Lutherans met Oct. 27 to organize a Lutheran congregation.
1873 - The final organization of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church near Hampton was consummated.
1875 - On the first Sunday of Advent, Pastor G.F. Burger, first resident pastor, was installed.
1878 - Pastor's salary was definitely set at $300 per year.
1880 - Several members were released so that Immanuel Church near Polk could be organized.
1883 - A second church was dedicated July 1. The first building was used for school until 1928.
1885 - Teacher Eugene Schultz, the first permanent teacher, was installed.
1886 - Pastor's salary was raised to $450; also feed and hay for his horses were to be furnished.
1887 - A new teacherage was built.
1891 - A new parsonage was built.
1893 - New school benches to seat 88 children were bought for $202.
1896 - The church was struck by lightning on April 22 and burned completely to the ground.
1897 - The present church building was erected and dedicated on October 31. Total cost of the church was $6,850.
1901 - A number of members asked to be released, so that Salem Congregation, six miles southwest of Hampton could be organized.
1903 - A new organ was dedicated.
1910 - Again the congregation was willing to give a nucleus so that St. Peter's Congregation in Hampton could be organized.
1915 - The North School was built and dedicated.
1918 - Meyer vs. Nebraska case
1923 - The congregation celebrated its 50th Anniversary in June.
1925 - A new teacherage was built at the North School at a cost of about $5,000.
1926 - On Sunday, Feb. 21, the first English Communion was celebrated.
1928 - The first church building, erected in 1877 and used until now for school purposes, was replaced by the present school structure at a cost of $11,000. It was dedicated September 2.
1929 - On Sept. 22, the parsonage was damaged considerably by fire.
1931 - Pastor Degner was encouraged to open a mission at Bradshaw and preach there as often as possible.
1932 - A Ladies Aid was organized on May 25.
1933 - To help solve the language question in the church services, an English as well as a German sermon were given during the morning service hour. The singing in this service was to alternate as to language.
1934 - The constitution was translated into the English language.
1943 - The North School was closed and all children of the congregation were asked to attend the original school.
1945 - All 24 of the young people returned from World War II. In the same year, all public German Communion services were abolished by resolution of the congregation.
1947 - A LWML was organized in June.
1948 - Sunday School was started.
1964 - On May 5, a devastating tornado crossed the southeast part of the area, destroying the homes of Walter Klute and Herman Brackhan, and damaging the homes of Harold Klawonn and Wallace Pohl.
1968 - The Snyder-Newman Organ Co. ofOmaha, repaired and renewed the organ with new pipes and a new console for $13,275.17.
1969 - The Parochial school consolidated with St. Peter's parochial school and is known as Hampton Lutheran School.
1971 - During a March 18 snow storm, about 60 feet of the church steeple and belfry was blown down and completely demolished, but the bell was not damaged. After rebuilding the belfry and steeple, the bell and tower were hoisted up and mounted in place on August 25.
1973 - The 100th Anniversary was celebrated September 10.
1998 - Zion celebrated its 125th Anniversary.