Zion Ladies Aid

Zion Ladies Aid was organized on May 25, 1932.  The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mary (Charlie) Driewer with help from Pastor Degner.  It was put up in both the English and German language by seventeen members.  We celebrated our 25th anniversary on May 26, 1957, our 40th Anniversary on June 8, 1972, our 50th Anniversary in 1982, and our 60th Anniversary in May of 1992.  At one time we had grown to 44 members and in 1997 at Zion's 125th Anniversary celebration we had seven members.  Ladies that have been members add up to 115.

We have served at many farm sales, funerals, weddings and anniversaries.  One of the biggest was the tornado in 1964 and Coop dinners where we served hundreds of people. 

Ladies Aid has done many things for the church.  We have bought altar paraments, given to missions, made confirmation gowns, sent packages to boys in service, tiled the Parish Hall, remodeled the Vestry, and made many quilts for World Relief.  This is just some of the work the Ladies Aid has done.

Currently, when serving for funerals, we do ask for help and food from members of the congregation.

Ladies Aid is the oldest continuous organization of Zion.  We are few in number but we do many things